SUNDAYWorship Service 09.00 & 10.30TUESDAYBible Study 19:00 - 20:00SATURDAYPrayer Meeting 07:00 - 08:00WOMEN’S MEETING XXXXXX 19:00 - 20:00ZOOM TRANSMISSION IS AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO GENUINELY NEED IT.
The words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life.John 6:63
The Lord’s Day, December 06, 2020
to our church& fellowship
This first Sunday of December should inspire each believer in Christ to prepare oneself for the reason of the Season. It does not matter how many plans we make, even during the restrictive time we are living. If, in any way, we are going to glorify God for sending us Jesus to be the firstborn among many others, we need to ask ourselves the question of whether we are living in God’s purpose or not. Jesus came into the world to show us the Father. He also sent us the Holy Spirit to conform us in the likeness of the Son. This is the great purpose of God. Regardless of how many carols we sing or hear, irrespective of the banquets we organize, unless we live our life for the glory of God, all is futile. Let us then celebrate the coming of the Saviour to save us by making sure that we are living according to the purpose of His calling.
PRAYING FOR THE NEXT GENERATIONSo as whoever has or had children know that, most children dislike healthy food. They prefer to eat sweets and fast food rather than a healthy meal like meat and vegetables. The same goes with today's young Christians. Some churches are being projected to ‘taste’ and feel good, but truly are of no healthy spiritual benefits. We need to pray for our children that when they encounter ‘ear pleasing preaching’, they will be able to discern false teaching. We pray that they will learn the Scriptures, so that they will take heed to good and healthy teaching. Diluted teachings are worst than anything, we should commit ourselves to see that they receive God’s pure Word.
The passionate man often thinks evil of a good man and easily believes the worst. A good and peaceful man turns all things to good.
celebrating the second coming of the lordAt this time of the year, families will be planning their festivities to celebrate the first coming of the Lord. This is a beautiful thing to do. However, spiritual leaders keep insisting that this planning is not the main reason for the Season. Jesus came and went back to the Father in glory. However, He is coming back. This time not to forgive sin, but first to
punish those who disobey His gospel, and then reign as King of Kings. He will also reward those who, against all odds, remained faithful to Him. Couples this year should focus more on the presence of Jesus in their family than at any other time before. He will return like a thief in the night. He will judge with justice. Be prepared to see the Lord as He is.Question for reflection: Do you truly believe in the second coming of the Lord? If so, do those around you see the evidence? | +36 79475618Pastors Joseph & Christine Agius