SUNDAYWorship Service Maltese 09.00 - 10:00English 10:30 - 11:30Bible Study will resume January 05, 2021ZOOM TRANSMISSION IS AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO GENUINELY NEED IT.
The words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life.John 6:63
The Lord’s Day, December 20, 2020
to our church& fellowship
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
One of the several messages of Christmas is the purpose of God to humanity. Because of sin, the purpose of God for us could not take place. A Holy God and sinful man cannot be together. Therefore, because God became man to unite us back with him, the door of heaven opened once again for us. Jesus came into the world to do the will of the Father. In Him, we can now live for His purpose. In eternity, the Father looked into time and saw us as we are, wretched and despaired. Now, those who love God have the opportunity to please Him. In our weaknesses, He is our strength, in our lack, He is our provision, and in our sickness, He is our healer and comforter. With our obedience, Jesus will make His will come to pass in our lives. His calling on our life matters. We need to be obedient to Him, so His plans, and not ours, will be fulfilled. Then, one day we shall meet Him in His glory! What a wonderful day that will be!
PRAYING FOR THE NEXT GENERATIONUsually, in normal circumstances our children at this time of year, have lots of gatherings and parties. It is in our children's nature to look forward for these events. Still, may I ask which norm, our children should experience?I believe that although such events give them pleasure and joy, still the priority should be that we teach them and instill in them the peace and joy that only God gives. Let us pray for Sunday school to be back to norm and Scriptural truths will touch their innocent hearts. Let us encourage our children to pray with us and at church.Until the time is right, let us help to prepare the children’s classes, with love and dedication…and when the announcement is heard, all is ready and may all parents, responsibly bring their children to the House of Prayer.
“Bless and sanctify my soul with Heavenly blessing, that it may become Your holy habitation, and the seat of Your eternal glory; and let nothing be found where You choose to dwell, that may offend the eyes of Your Majesty.”
CELEBRATING JESUS THE FOUNDATION OF MARRIAGEIn a competitive society, people’s security is often based on materialism, social strata, and anything that one may gain for one’s personal advancement for honor or fame. This attitude provides more insecurities rather than stability. In marriage and family, this mindset is dangerous because spouses may even sacrifice the most crucial marriage principles to gain worldly honors. People strive for material fulfillment because they are not internally satisfied with
themselves. However, one can find fulfillment in life by being in Christ. Building one’s life on the Foundation God provided us for Christmas is the only means one can be happy with himself. In marriage, it even has an added value. When the couple lives God’s plan for their family, peace and joy will reign in the midst of the most challenging battles of life. Nothing will shake them because they are building on a sure foundation.Question for reflection: As a family, did you find God’s will…His plan for you? If not will you start praying to find what it is? | +36 79475618Pastors Joseph & Christine Agius