SUNDAYWorship Service 10:30 - 12:15TUESDAYBible Study 19:00 - 20:00SATURDAYPrayer Meeting 07:00 - 08:00WOMEN’S MEETING XXXXXX 19:00 - 20:00ALL SERVICES ARE LIVE ONLINE ON ZOOMcontact us if wish to join us online
The words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life.John 6:63
The Lord’s Day, MAY 31, 2020
to our church& fellowship
MON & TUE 1-2, June
Faith is the essence of the Christian. It is through faith that we see God, and by faith that we find Him. It is through His love that we find opportunity for faith. Because God has loved us, we love Him. By everything He’s done for us He’s proven that He would rather sacrifice everything than spend another moment in eternity without us. His love is so wonderful, so pure and inspirational. Perfect faith is that which works through love. When we love God we grow in faith, seeking to please Him daily. It is by faith that we find Him, and through love that we draw near to Him. Knowing this it is necessary for every Christian to have a faith filled life. There are many moments that we need faith. Hard trials come on us, and difficult decisions come our way, among many other things. Yet we should not only seek God during these times, but also during the times of His perfect peace. Although it is important to seek the things which help us have faith to make it through a hard trial, we should also be pursuing faith for long-term growth. By growth we draw nearer to Him who has always loved us. By faith we will walk with Him and please Him. There are many things that can assist our faith. But our main focus should be on the things that help us grow in faith. Therefore we will discuss five simple core biblical steps to having a faith filled life.
WOL Bible Study
WOL Bible Study
PRAYING FOR THE NEXT GENERATIONIn the Bible, we read that Christ told the adult audience to let the children go to him. There are many reasons for this, one of which is that children are innocent. As our children grow and meet different people, different cultures, different beliefs, quickly their innocence vanishes away...the world teaches them otherwise. We need to pray more than ever that their innocence is still present, spiritually. Furthermore, we need to thank our Lord Jesus Christ, because by His innocence and obedience we were saved.
the situation will become a sinful one. The story is told of a woman who tried to defend her bad temper by saying to the preacher Billy Sunday, “Although I blow up over the least little thing, it’s all over in a minute,” to which Sunday replied, “So is a shotgun blast! Even if a spouse's action is in itself sinful; the other, when he or she allows anger to take over, demonstrates the motivation out of self. It is motivated out of personal offense or “hurt feelings.” This is when agapee must be exercised. It is not about one’s feeling, but it is about demonstrating a Christian character. As Christ forgives, spouses need to forgive. Let it go before the sun goes down! Remember, a marriage is a type of Christ and His church. | +36 79475618Pastors Joseph & Christine Agius
Last week we spoke about letting an argument go! In continuation of this, today we will mention a dangerous trait of character - anger. Anger is a human emotion that must be kept under control. In Ephesians 4:26, Paul commands that while we can get angry, we must not sin in that anger. The Greek is orgee which is distinct from the Greek thumos. While thumos is passionate and temporary, orgee indicates “a more enduring state of mind.” In marriage, orgee is something that certainly must not exist. One must be aware of this since it is a character issue, that can cause much hurt in a relationship. Every marriage has its thumos, yet the couple must take control of it quickly or