Word of Life PH Church
Place of Hope. People of Promise
SUNDAY Worship Service 09.00 & 10.30 TUESDAY Bible Study 19:00 - 20:00 SATURDAY Prayer Meeting 07:00 - 08:00 WOMEN’S MEETING XXXXXX 19:00 - 20:00 ZOOM TRANSMISSION IS AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO GENUINELY NEED IT.
The words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life. John 6:63
The Lord’s Day, October 04, 2020
to our church & fellowship
NEW DIRECTIVES FOR CHURCH 09.00-10:00 - Maltese 10:30 - 11:30 - English TEMPERATURE, SANI TIZING AND MASKS Please make sure you measure your temperature before leaving home Sanitize your hands before entering church Wear your masks in church Thank you
Gems in the book of Romans
It is clear from the Scripture that the answer to the question when Abraham was declared righteous was before he was circumcised and not after. It was faith in action that declared him as such. Abraham believed God and lived that way. He had his challenges while trying to live his faith, yet Abraham was declared the “father” of all who believe because of God’s grace. This is now the church. Abraham was saved 400 years before the law came. It is clear then that the law does not save. Yet, the law shows us that we need a Saviour because we cannot save ourselves. It is imperative to study Abraham’s life. We need to examine his calling and obedience to leave idolatrous cities of Ur and Haran-his separation from wicked cities, when he camped during his sojourning. His meeting with the pre-incarnate Christ, (Melchizedek), his tithing to Jesus (Heb 7:3) and offering his son in obedience to God, were acts that declared his faith. Abraham’s life is the picture of the father of our faith. Abraham’s faith was a true faith that endured, believed, trusted, obeyed, grew strong, and honored God. This is the type of faith that makes us children of God.
Abraham’s Righteousness “How then was it counted to him? Was it before or after he had been circumcised? It was not after, but before he was circumcised.” Romans 4:10
A short message to ponder on… Today I am going to ask all parents and church members just to pray for direction and blessings first over our children and secondly on law doers and promoters. As most of us know and see that a lot is changing in our schools and rapidly.... What we prayed for this time last year, (as I have it recorded) and it was not clear, it came to pass and we are living now these laws that took our earthly freedom away.
info@wordoflifemalta.org | +36 79475618 Pastors Joseph & Christine Agius
WOL Marriage Devotion
God created mankind in his likeness and in His image. Holiness, righteousness, gentleness, and mercy are only a few of God’s nature. These qualities have the purpose of reflecting in each believer and are necessary for every kind of relationship, including marriage. The result of sin marred this image in mankind, and therefore, humanity is no longer in his nature, unless a person is born from above. The Christian couple now has the Holy Spirit to give them the power to help them restore what was lost by sin. Many agree that married life is the best school to learn how to practice and grow in holiness. In fact, a book was written for this purpose called “Sacred Marriage: What if God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy?” Indeed marriage is the place where
the darkest places of human nature are exposed. It is the place where grace, mercy, gentleness are to be given and received. Marriage is a three-fold cooperation—the couple with God. The Creator and desinger of marriage has the leading role. You may need some adjustments to create the condition God intended for your marriage. Nothing would work unless prayers is given the priority in one’s life and the couple obedience to God’s calling. Remember, God has a calling for your marriage in his body, the church. One may think it is impossible, but remember that God is the Creator. Not only He created the heavens and the earth, which are now marred with sin, but he also promised that he would create a new heaven and new earth for you and me. He can then create what is missing in marriage with the main purpose for the couple to become, once again, the image and the likeness of God in Jesus Christ, the Lord.
in the image of god he created them  Gen 1:27