Word of Life PH Church
Place of Hope. People of Promise
SUNDAY Worship Service 09.00 & 10.30 TUESDAY Bible Study 19:00 - 20:00 SATURDAY Prayer Meeting 07:00 - 08:00 WOMEN’S MEETING XXXXXX 19:00 - 20:00 ZOOM TRANSMISSION ARE RESUMING AS BEFORE
The words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life. John 6:63
The Lord’s Day, September 13, 2020
to our church & fellowship
NEW DIRECTIVES FOR CHURCH 09.00-10:00 - Maltese 10:30 - 11:30 - English TEMPERATURE, SANITIZING AND MASKS Please make sure you measure your temperature before leaving home Sanitize your hands before entering church Wear your masks in church Thank you
Gems in the book of Romans
Some of Paul's Jewish opponents claimed that he taught a doctrine of "cheap grace" that God receives more glory when Christians do evil and are forgiven. Paul emphatically denies this but waits until ch. 6 to discuss this charge in more detail. It seems that the abuse on the Word of God was always present in the church. You will always have preachers and teachers who want to please their hearers and water down the sinner's grave ending. On the other hand, you will also have pew people who seem to find every excuse for their behavior and twist God's Word to fit their purpose. This should not be so for several reasons. Like the Jews, we believers are trusted with God's Word to live it and preach its eternal values to the church and those outside. The Word of God is sacred as much as Jesus is. He is the Word of God. Those who unscrupulously misuse the Word, there are not many options for them; only one. That is the wrath of God poured upon them. "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Hebrews 10:31).
A short message to ponder on… Today I am going to ask the same question we find in proverbs chapter 20 verse 11: “Even a child makes himself known by his acts, by whether his conduct is pure and upright.” Till when or until which age, our children are innocent, pure and upright? How are we leading them to prolong their period of innocence? Are we exposing them to the world at a tender age? Are we being an example, for them to absorb our life in Christ? Are we praying enough with them to be upright? We must press harder in prayer, pleading for our Saviour to preserve them. As they grow and start understanding what is right and what is wrong.. pray that our children and youths get to know the meaning of repentance. There is true salvation in Christ Jesus.
ZOOM MEETINGS Some members are still not abiding with ZOOM meetings rules. Consequently, as from September 13, 2020, those allowed to enter will: 1. meet to have a valid reason for not coming to church. 2. abide with the rules previously given. Zoom is to be considered as a need, not a substitution for the attendance in church and there will be no more compromise. Therefore, those who feel that they have a valid reason, not to attend church, will need to contact Lawrence or Joe from the evening before, or as early as possible in the morning. If not, they will not be allowed in.
info@wordoflifemalta.org | +36 79475618 Pastors Joseph & Christine Agius
WOL Marriage Devotion
In Luke 18:1-8, we find the story of a judge who neither feared God, nor respected man (4). Many couples do not fear God, and in that respect, they will not respect each other also. Unfortunately, such “Christian” couples lose much of the harmony that they crave for. Learning to live with another individual is a challenge because it is inevitable that there will be contention points. Recognizing the other person’s viewpoint and valuing
their opinion will strengthen the relationship. Being able to accept a spouse’s differences will make it easier to respect individuality. This is showing mutual respect to the different views the couple may have. Out of love for God, the couple would be willing to let go of their rights to demonstrate agape to their spouse. It is an act of love to lay down the desire of oneself, for the sake of harmony in the home. It is not weakness, but strength. Spouses need to respect their loved ones, including their opinions. If, in reality, an argument could be un-rational, a graceful approach in the matter can do great things to the relationship. Therefore, show respect to your spouse in all things.