SUNDAYWorship Service - Maltese 0900 - 10:00 Worship Service - English 10:30 - 11:30TUESDAYPrayers 18.30- 18.55 Bible Study 19:00 - 20:00SATURDAYPrayer Meeting 07:00 - 08:00WOMEN’S MEETING Friday - 14 May- 2021 19:00 - 20:00ZOOM TRANSMISSION IS AVAILABLE
The words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life.John 6:63
The Lord’s Day, April 11 2021
to our church& fellowship
SUNDAYAPRIL 18, 2021we start church services as before the second lock down
Some people like to play ChessWhen they think under some stressAs characters you must faceSince their moves you have to trace The knight makes an L shaped coarseTo look at, it’s just a horseQueen can’t move like knightFor others she has the mightBishops has diagonal looksBut straight moves by pawns and rooks The king, a step at a timeAll directions in a lineIt’s a game that makes you thinkMoving wise so you won’t sinkA warfare of white with blackOn your move you can’t go back
Chess board is the world’s harbourBits on it, are the armourQueen, king, and soldier as pawnBy rooks as castles by dawn Waiting for battle to startMake right moves, be smartSpiritual weapons are rightNot by flesh but by His mightOur armour are not unrealPut God’s armour without fearFasten your moves with all truthMake righteousness the true route We don’t save by a chess pieceBut by the gospel of peaceThough arrows approach us straightWe move up the shield of faith
2 Corinthians 10: 4-5; Ephesians 6: 10-20.
PaulwasconvincedthatwhatwecalltheOld Testamentwasrelevantforthechurch.Thisdoes notmeanhedidnotrecognizethefulfillmentofits propheciesintheincarnation,life,death,and resurrectionofChrist(SeetheBookofHebrews). However,theprinciplesoftheOldTestamenthistoryand thepreachingoftheprophetsarestillasourceofinstructionalhope forthechurch.Goddoesnotchange,andwedonothavetochangewhathe eternallyestablishedsimplybecausewearepressedbyourinternaloppositionto God’sword.ItisnoexcusetosaythisorthatisintheOldTestamentornotinthe New.ItisclearthattheOldTestamentinstructionwasalsoteachingoftheNew Testament.PaultoldTimothythat“AllScriptureisbreathedoutbyGodand profitableforteaching,forreproof,forcorrection,andfortraininginrighteousness, thatthemanofGodmaybecomplete,equippedforeverygoodwork”(2Tim3:16-17).Aboveallthings,thehopeoftheScriptureiswhatweallneedtopersistand endure to fulfill God’s decree in our life. | +36 79475618Pastors Joseph & Christine Agius
WOLMarriage Devotion
Oneofthemostbeautifuldoxologiesinthe Bible,andinparticularthebookof Romans,isRomans15:5-7.Itisnotonlyin theformofbenedictionbutalsoan affirmationthatgenuineworshipcannot occurwithoutunityinthebody.Inthe contextofmarriage,wecanseealsothat theunityandharmonyofthefamilyisthe rightattitudeforthefamilyunittofulfillits purpose, which is to glorify God. Noneedtosay,acouple’s relationshipneedsenduranceto remaininunity.Therearetoo manyissuesthatcancausestress inrelationships.Therefore, couplesneedencouragement.An applicationofthisScriptureis
thatourJesusistheGodofenduranceand encouragement.JesusistheOnethatcan grantharmonybetweencouples.Thisis whymarriageneedstohaveGod’sdesign. Thespousescannotexpecttolivein harmonywhileenduringthestressoflife withouttheencouragementthatcomesfrom thepresenceofJesus.Asthecouple ministerthroughitsdailyresponsibilityand pleasure,theygiveglorytoGod.The coupleneedtheever-presenceofGodin theirlife,astheyworkoutHisplanfortheir family.Then,theycan understandtherealpurposeof their union: to glorify God.REFLECTIONIsyourunionfulfillingthe purposeofglorifyingGodthe Father of our Lord Jesus Christ?