SUNDAY Maltese Service 09:00 - 10:00 English Service 10.30 - 11.30 TUESDAY Fasting Day Prayers 18.30- 18.55 Bible Study 19:00 - 20:00 SATURDAY Prayer Meeting 07:00 - 08:00 WOMEN’S MEETING Friday - September 3 19:00 - 20:00
Word of Life PH Church
Place of Hope. People of Promise.
The words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life. John 6:63
The Lord’s Day, August 08, 2021
to our church & fellowship
What if you see a treasure? Its worth beyond your measure Do you hide it in a sack? Or to the owner give it back? May be a secret, kept low So that no others will know But value will not render To God’s thoughts, do surrender You can sell all your indoors So this treasure may be yours You will find this of great worth God’s Kingdom, not of this earth His kingdom is our top thought Through His grace many have south Its your turn to do the same For the honor of His name
Must be free from false bright light Then you join His kingdom might Earthly things stops you to form Or follow His kingdom norm Good works is not the right key So that His kingdom you see Rather, Christ is the true way Our focus for every day Righteous, pure, with all true faith Is the path that is so straight To His kingdom it will lead Follow Him with all your speed
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Matthew 13:44
praying for the next generation
Keeping oneself updated with times is what one needs to do not to be the outcast... The question is how to be updated with the end times... Those who have little children know, how careful parents must be to what they watch on TV and what they hear. Most of our children spend time on you tube watching stuff that other people put on to get likes and views. I am so angry and frustrated that mature people are putting inadequate features for small children to watch... How insensitive, uncaring and evil. We need to make time and take control of their gadgets to have our mind at rest that what they are seeing is edifying and educational. We need to pray for God to save our children from deception... The world will overcome them if we are not careful.


We thank the Lord for these young people to meet together and re-start the youth’s fellowship. Thank you all who participated and for Grant and Cody to lead this important ministry. | +36 79475618 Pastors Joseph & Christine Agius
WOL Marriage Devotion
When people convert to Christ, they become a new creation. They are cleansed from sin, and they become the temple of the Holy Spirit. Marriage is also a unique new birth experience. A new life begins when the two become one. As believers in Christ, the couple are Spirit-empowered to extend the Kingdom of God in a new and excellent way. They can serve God together and blend their lives and calling to serve His church. The book of Acts
begins with wonderful words. The new couple has their own Pentecostal experience because together, they are now in the service of God. The phrase: their “one place” can have several applications. For example, they are now in one home as one Spirit-filled family, serving one God, led by one mind to worship, serve, and work as one with God. It is a great experience to share as one with those who are still lost.
When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place.  Acts 2:1 AUGUST 9 - WOLPHC  31ST ANNIVERSARY THANKSGIVING SERVICE AUGUST 30