The words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life.John 6:63
The Lord’s Day, August 22, 2021
to our church& fellowship
“God does not give us an ache”Beyond the point we can breakThough often said to give hopeIts the wrong end of the ropeContext is not to “suffer”“Temptation” is the matterGod gives you stabilityWithin your abilityTemptation is the wrong fruitGod gives you an escape routeSo temptation you endureThat will give the correct cureTo be tempted is not sinBut to it do not give inJesus was tempted as wellBut His soul He would not sell
But Satan is still aroundWith God’s law we must aboundFirst His kingdom you must seekGives you strength, no longer weakIf God’s standards we sustainThen his blood is in our veinMove steady, and do not slipDo not risk to lose His gripTemptation can be made voidBut suffering can’t avoidTo pass the cup, Jesus prayedOur salvation not delayedWhen life seems too much to bearSeek God’s mercy, He’ll be thereLord embrace me, hold me tightYou are faithful, full of might
praying for the next generation
How much do we miss of God's grace when we don't pray? Like most parents did, one time or another, we came through a situation that it's nearly too impossible to explain something to our children. Maybe because of the pride our children have, or because of peer behavior or, perhaps just for them to be hard-headed to gives us some hard time. But how are we to explain what they miss when they do not pray? How is this thing calculated? If it can be calculated! We can pray for our children who are in church and who at one point attended feel the need to talk with God. Only He can show them what they miss when they lack prayers. | +36 79475618Pastors Joseph & Christine Agius
WOL Marriage Devotion
It is always important for couples to keep in mind that their union is based on their covenant between them and God. This covenant is not a trifling matter but of a most significant one. Besides the couple giving their word, they have God as their witness, the One who designed their union. When we refer to the concept of giving one’s word, we need to understand the responsibility it entails. Your word is you stand by who you are, yourself, your character, your integrity. The foundation of the covenant-keeping love
between a man and a woman is the unbroken covenant between them and God—God governing them for their good, and they enjoying him in that security and relying on him. It is also based on obedience to God. When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they broke the covenant. As a consequence, the foundation of their own covenant-keeping collapsed. We need to reflect on the following: How do couples perceive the covenant between them and God in the light of their wellbeing as covenanted by God?