SUNDAYWorship Service 09.00 & 10.30TUESDAYBible Study 19:00 - 20:00SATURDAYPrayer Meeting 07:00 - 08:00WOMEN’S MEETING Friday - 05.03.2021 19:00 - 20:00ZOOM TRANSMISSION IS AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO GENUINELY NEED IT.
The words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life.John 6:63
The Lord’s Day, February 21, 2021
to our church& fellowship
The tin-man wanted a heartSo from love he won’t departAll hearts must not be abusedRather put them to good useFor God, David had a heart Faith from God he did not partLikewise keep your heart that warmSince again you have been bornNow that Scarecrow got his brainTin-man got his heart againHis courage Lion restoredDorothy home, in good accord All four, changed to what they hadThey’re so happy and not sadLikewise rid of all your drossFor us, Christ died, on the crossRomans 12:2; Proverbs 2:10; Mattew24:36-44; Acts 13:22; John 3:3; Proverbs 25:4.
The Scarecrow wanted a brainSo that knowledge he would gainOur renewal of the mindAvoid being left behind Then the Cowardly LionChallenged us to see ZionInheriting God’s blessingOur world so depressingIt’s some courage he wantedAs he lived so dauntedBut Christ is our Lion KingTowards Him we must all swingAs for the man made of tinDisapproving worldly sinHad compassion in his mindTo Dorothy was quite kind
No one argues that pride is idolatry. We never run out of ways to compare ourselves to others. Either we look down on others and applaud our more extraordinary abilities, attractiveness, status, intelligence, or wealth—or we look down on ourselves and envy others for being more capable, more attractive, more powerful, smarter, or more prosperous. Both are forms of idolatry.Paul recognized that such comparisons are emotionally and spiritually deadly. He even offered an antidote—seeing ourselves not as we measure up against others and not as others evaluate us but as God sees us. The Lord’s estimation of our worth is the only one that means anything. To Him, we matter more than we could ever imagine.
God never judges us according to worldly criteria. Our gender, appearance, social status, wealth, and even our level of intelligence and natural abilities are not of first importance to Him. He examines us according to entirely different criteria. That is, how much of Christ I allow to have in me!
WOLDevotion | +36 79475618Pastors Joseph & Christine Agius
WOL Marriage Devotion
The fortress that never falls!Most Christians believe what the Bible says about God and His attributes. They sing their songs and cry out their Amens! However, acting on what they say they believe is another story. Unfortunately, the mind of the flesh takes over the mind of the Spirit, and therefore, they become spiritually parallelized when they need to act in faith. But it does not have to be like this because God did not intend it that way. Christian marriage, in several ways, is made up of couples in the above category. However, Jesus has another way, His way, the victorious way. The background of this picture is an example. The fortress is St. Michael; it withstood some of the harshest attacks of the Muslim Ottomans. However, it was protected by husbands, wives, and children. Their efforts showed that by their commitment and hard work, the “fortress” they lived in protected them. In the same way, those who live in Jesus live in an unbreakable fortress; as the family works together, doing His work, it will stand against the enemy of their faith - satan the angry dragon. In Jesus, they will overcome their opposition. REFLECTION:Do you have assurance in your heart that if you are doing your best to do God’s will in your life and work together with your spouse to further His Kingdom, God will see you through your ordeals?