SUNDAYWorship Service 09.00 & 10.30TUESDAYBible Study 19:00 - 20:00SATURDAYPrayer Meeting 07:00 - 08:00WOMEN’S MEETING Friday - 05.02.2021 19:00 - 20:00ZOOM TRANSMISSION IS AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO GENUINELY NEED IT.
The words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life.John 6:63
The Lord’s Day, January 3, 2021
to our church& fellowship
Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousnessRomans 8:9-10
IamspeakingthetruthinChrist—Iam notlying;myconsciencebearsme witnessintheHolySpirit—thatIhave greatsorrowandunceasinganguishin my heart. Romans 9:1-2
Paulintroducesthisparticularsection(Ch9-11)withastartling expressionofhisinnerfeelingsregardingthesoulofhispeople,the Israelites.Theexpressions“greatsorrow”and“unceasinganguish” areworthofourmeditation.Onecanstartbycomparingthemwith thejoyexpressedinchaptereight.Thecontrastisstartling!After discussingthevictorylifeoverlife’scircumstances,Paulturnstohis ownpeople,theIsraelites.Heseessomanyofthemlostinthe darknessofareligioustradition,expressedwithelaborated worship,butyetempty.Thisisbecausetheyrejectedthevery Personthatthetempleritualswerepointingto.Yet,Paul,whose heartlikeHisLord’s,wasfullofcompassionwhenhesawthelost. Hewasdeeplyconcernfortheirsouls.Hisgreatsorrowand unceasinganguishproveshowmuchPaulcaredaboutthecross andtheresponsibilityofthosenowcarryingit.Doyouhavea burden for the lost? If not, pray that you do!
Gems in the book of Romans
PRAYING FOR THE NEXT GENERATIONWe are in that time of the year where most people make resolutions... To start something new and also to change..(which is not bad)Who has young children might probably agree that children make no resolutions…for them there is no new year, but just continuation...And so shall it be. We need to pray that our children fit in the routine to acknowledge God’s presence in their life, thank and praise Him. What a blessing to see them daily growing in Jesus. One might agree that resolutions should be made. Let one of them be evangelism…let us reach out for children in our community, prayerfully sharing the Good news with them. Finally let us also not forget those young ones that tasted God’s goodness but have fallen from their faith. God hears the prayers of the just.
Amanwholivesatpeacesuspectsnoone.Butamanwhois tenseandagitatedbyevilistroubledwithallkindsofsuspicions; heisneveratpeacewithhimself,nordoeshepermitothersto be at peace.
Spiritual Discipline
TUE 5, DECEMBER | +36 79475618Pastors Joseph & Christine Agius
WOL Marriage Devotion
GOD’S PLAN FOR A MARRIAGE IS THE BEST PLAN.Wejuststartedanew year.Manypeopleare uncertainaboutwhat 2021willbringwithit. TheCOVIDpandemic destroyedeverybody’s plans,exceptforthose whoselifeseeksGod’s plan.Thepandemicdidnot catchGodbysurprise.Heknew aboutitevenbeforeHecreatedtheearth. Therefore,inharmonywithGod,the familycouldadjusttolifeandkeepon doingtheLord’spurpose.Inatimeof disaster,theLordisstillworkingouthis plansforthegoodofthoselivinginHis purpose.Heknowstheplansforyour family.Suchexperiencesaremeantto
strengthenyourfaithandtomeasurehow muchyoutrustHim. Thepeaceandjoyofthe Lordremain,evenduringtroubledtimes. Nobodyknowswhatwillhappenthis newyear,butGodknows.Yet, HispromiseisclearthatHis planshavealwaysbeento prosperyouinthetimeof disasterandnottoharmyou. TheGodofHopeandPeace givesyouthehopeyouneed toincreaseyourfaith.The futureisinHishands.One thingissure;weknowthatthe DayoftheLordisnear,Jesusis coming to take us home!Question for reflection: Areyouusingyourtimewiselybybeing aliveandactiveinyourspirituallife?How didyourfaithgrowlastyear,andhowdoyou plantoincreaseyourfaithandservicetoGod this year?