SUNDAYWorship Service 09.00 & 10.30TUESDAYBible Study 19:00 - 20:00SATURDAYPrayer Meeting 07:00 - 08:00WOMEN’S MEETING Friday - 05.02.2021 19:00 - 20:00ZOOM TRANSMISSION IS AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO GENUINELY NEED IT.
The words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life.John 6:63
The Lord’s Day, January 10, 2021
to our church& fellowship
They have stumbled over the stumbling stone and whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame.” Romans 9:32
In this passage, Paul joins two Old Testament Scriptures that were prophesying the Messiah. The two passages combined the two classes of people that Paul was addressing: the Jews and the Gentiles. Depending on how one receives the Christ, one would receive his or her rewards. One class would experience Christ as a stumbling block, while to others, He would become their Cornerstone. The Gentiles received him and were filled with hope, while for the Jews, Jesus became the stumbling Rock.Addressing this Scripture from another perspective, we can see Jesus today as the stumbling Rock to many. This is because people have become antagonistic towards Him. The Word of God that can give life in this dark and depraved generation is rejected. The world has made up its own ‘messiah’ based on materialism, spiritualism, and humanism. Jesus is rejected! However, for those who trust in Him, Jesus is the Rock of their Salvation, the Foundation that keeps them strong in times of trouble, and the Anchor that keeps them secure. To the rest, on whom it falls will be crushed (Matt 21:44). Why Not?
PRAYING FOR THE NEXT GENERATIONSo, all of us at one time were children and we all had our own way of playing and imagine things. The same goes today, we have children and they play, talk to themselves while they play and imagine things too. But have we ever wondered at what level of imagination they get carried away with?Would it be nice if they get caught spiritually in the same way. Shall we pray that at a young age they experience the true meaning of being caught in God’s wonder and feel the real pleasure the Lord has to offer?
Greater tranquility of heart is his who cares for neither praise nor blame
Spiritual Discipline
TUE 5, DECEMBER | +36 79475618Pastors Joseph & Christine Agius
WOL Marriage Devotion
GOD’S PLAN FOR A MARRIAGE IS THE BEST PLAN.Intoday’sworld,havingaChris-tianfamilyisnolongerthe norm.Thisphenomenonis takingplacenotonlyinthe PentecostalandEvangeli-calChurches,butalsoin traditionalchurches.Cou-plescometogetherwitha differentunderstandingof theChristianfaithisone factor.Anotherfactoriswhen aChristiancouplehavechildren, andsoonaftertheygettoacertainage, theworldofeducationinfluencesthemin adifferentdirection.Asaresult,spouses andparentspraytoGodforthesalvation of their loved ones.Withoutchallenginginanywaytheabso-
luteSovereigntyofGod,weprayforGod’s willtobedone.Manyparentsstandonthe several promises of the Bible. InActs16,wefindtheaccountofPaulwith SilasinprisonpraisingtheLordandhowthe jailerwasmovedtoasktheevangelistswhat heneedstodotobesaved.Paulpromised himthatifhebelievesintheLord Jesus,himselfandhisfamily willbesaved.Themainissue thatoneinducesfromthe passageisthatthechange ofheartoftheheadofthe familywouldbeinfluential tothesalvationofthe wholefamily.Consequently, atGod’sappointedtime,God willheartheprayersofthecou-ple.ItisHiswillforeveryonetobe saved.Question for reflection: Areyouconsistentlyprayingforthesalvation of your family?