SUNDAYWorship Service 09.00 & 10.30TUESDAYBible Study 19:00 - 20:00SATURDAYPrayer Meeting 07:00 - 08:00WOMEN’S MEETING Friday - 09.04.2021 19:00 - 20:00ZOOM TRANSMISSION IS AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO GENUINELY NEED IT.
The words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life.John 6:63
The Lord’s Day, March 07, 2021
to our church& fellowship
It’s between “the King and you”What you ask for, must be trueThat is really dire needTrust in Him, and let Him leadMy King reveals, all the truth He’s the way, the only routeSo in truth we must relateTo reach him, there’s just one gate My King knows me by my nameAnd with Him I feel no shameGave my heart to my real KingFor His glory I will singBe with Him in bond so tightAs one body do uniteAs one church, The king as head“King and I” let’s go ahead
Have you seen ”The King And I”?Oh so pleasant to the eyeBut our Lord searches my heartAs He x-rays every partFor our good He will revealWhat we earn and what we steelWhat we earn is by His graceWhat we steel is our disgrace Earn His mercy, He forgivesEvery day while mankind livesThough His grace we don’t deserveThe King, we worship and serve He gives gifts out of His graceSo ask Him throughout your daysDuring worship you could askMake it clear, it is your task
Psalm 139:23, Matthew 7:11; John 4:24, 10:1-3,
Psalms :1:1-2
WEarelivinginatimeinwhichmoralcorruption runsthroughtheveinsofmostgovernments.Thisis becauseoftheGlobalistagendathatmanyBiblestudentsidentifywiththeanti-christ'sspirit thatJesusandtheauthorsofScripturehaveforeseen.Therefore,itseemsstrangethatSt. Paulinstructedthechurchtobesubjecttothegoverningauthorities.Threethingswemust keepinmindaboutthis.First,ingeneral,governmentswerealwayscorrupt;second,the HolySpiritknewwhathewasinspiringPaultowrite;andthird,ancientthinkersoften treatedrelationshipwiththestatealongsideotherrelationships.Manyancientwriters(not leasttheStoics)emphasizedandevenwroteessaysontheimportanceofloyaltytothe state.Christianthoughtsholdssuchprinciples,however,notofabsolutesubmissioninthe caseofevil.Paulisnotexhortingustodoevilevenifthestatelegalizeit. LikeinPaul'stimeandlaterinthefirstfewcenturies,thechurchis supposedtomaintainherbeliefs,andnotworshiptheemperororthe spiritthatisleadingit.SheistobeawitnessforChristandbethelight for those who are blindly following darkness.
TO BE OR NOT NOT TO BE? - THAT IS THE QUESTION! | +36 79475618Pastors Joseph & Christine Agius
WOLMarriage Devotion
IMAGO DEI IN marriageImago Dei is the Latin translation of “Image of God” as found in Genesis in the creation story. And that plan hasn’t changed. When the Trinity created the first couple, He wanted them to reflect His eternal glory. All couples after them were to fill the earth with His presence. However, the couple believed Satan’s lie. Instead, the earth became filled with sinful desires. God’s purpose for Adam and Eve’s existence would only have been completed if they fulfilled His assignment together. And since then, nothing has changed. The task of governing, ruling and multiplying, required Adam and Eve’s interdependency—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—the same that’s required of you with your spouse.God created you and your spouse for a work that only the two of you can accomplish together. He foresaw all your differences and carefully combined them together to complement one another. With great loving care, He fashioned you with common interests and instilled values to resonate with one another to make you one. Let us Christian couples continue God’s mission on earth, by first inviting God to reveal His purpose for our marriage and take steps toward living purpose-focused, not problem-focused, in our marriage.REFLECTION:How is the image of God in your marriage affecting the world around you?
Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule... Genesis 1:26