Some objects are made to fly Like arrows from which you dieMake the Lord your dwelling placeYou’ll be guarded in all waysFurthermore angels can flyA true fact we can’t denyIt is written to be readEvery day our daily breadIt’s the gospel that must flyThough His Word will never dieThat never ending storyFrom which He gets all glorySay it clear and say it loudLet me fly in that fine cloudWith my Lord who came for meA great day I wish to see
I can swim and also walkWish to fly, but fruitless talkIn His field do often strollYou may see a flying scroll What we need is in God’s handTrust in Him, do understandThough He loves us He will judgeFrom His Word He does not budgeWe escape from our fearsAnd do so as we shed tearsAs we pray we tend to sing Hoping for at least one wingIn this way we hope for restTo find shelter in His nestOn to Him your burdens castRemain righteous, it’s a must
IFevertherewasatimewhenGodisurgingthe churchtowakeupfromit’sslumberistoday!Too manybelievershavenotyetdisplayedtheevidence oftheHolySpiritrulingtheirlife.Thefleshstill reignsandcontrolstheirthinkingandbehaviors. Theirattitudesarenotdisplayingthecharacterof Christ.Chapter13:8givesusoneclearreasonwhy thishappens.ChristianslackloveforGodandforoneanother.Christianstake littlenoticeofGod’scommandmentsandareabusiveofHisgrace.Nowonder Paul’scryforthechurchistowakeupfromitsslumber.Paulrepeatsthesame wordsinseveralofhisletters. ThesecondcomingoftheLordisnear,verynear!It isatleastcloserthanthedaywebelieved.Thenightisfargone;thedayisat hand.Sothenletuscastofftheworksofdarknessandputonthearmoroflight (12-13).Letusdoawaywithsinandspirituallaziness,andwakeupfromour sleep and serve the Lord!
Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. | +36 79475618Pastors Joseph & Christine Agius
WOLMarriage Devotion
love is a commandment to fulfill god’s lawAlthoughthecontextofRomans13:8isnot thesubjectofmarriage,theconceptoflove certainlyis.Theimperativephrase“oweno oneanything”hasuniversalapplicationinthe HolyScripture.Asbelievers,wealwaysowe lovetooneanother.Howmuchmorethen shouldspousesloveeachother?Often, counselorsfacetheworstofacouplewhen oneorbothclaimonedoesn’tlovetheother. Thecoupleforgetsthefactthatwhen theygavetheirwordtoeachother duringthepledgeofmarriage, thepledgestillstandsbefore God and man. Godusedseveralwriters onthesubject,and
probablyoneofthemostknownisDr.Gary Chapman.Hewroteseveralbookstoenhance marriage,butthemostfamousofthemallis “TheFiveLoveLanguages.”Thisbook’s forteishowDr.Chapmanexplainshowthe couplecankeeptheirlovetankfull.Inother words,thecouplemaylearnhowtokeeptheir euphoriclovealightandgrowing.Itisapity thatcouplesarriveatthatpitifulstageintheir relationship.Itdoesnothavetohappenifthey keepinmindthatGod’sloveisdesignedto keepongrowing.Lovingiscommandment.It isacommitment.Itrequiresapriceto maintainit.Whenyouunderstand thatyouowelovetoyour spouse,youwouldhave madeyourbestfirststep. Could you keep it going?
Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8